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Easton Myers
Easton Myers

Toolkit Download For Windows 10

After you download and extract the contents of the self extracting compressed file, MDT_KB4564442.exe, use the following steps to replace the original files on any affected computers with the Microsoft Deployment Toolkit installed.

Toolkit download for windows 10


TheOracle Technology Network License Agreementfor Oracle Java SE is substantially different from prior Oracle JDK 8 licenses. This license permits certainuses, such as personal use and development use, at no cost -- but other uses authorized under prior Oracle JDKlicenses may no longer be available. Please review the terms carefully before downloading and using this product.FAQs are availablehere.

These downloads can be used for development, personal use, or to run Oracle licensed products. Use for otherpurposes, including production or commercial use, requires a Java SE subscription or another Oracle license.

You are ready to use two short demos to see the results of running the Intel Distribution of OpenVINO toolkit and to verify your installation was successful. The demo scripts are required since they perform additional configuration steps. Continue to the next section.

This script downloads three pre-trained model IRs, builds the Security Barrier Camera Demo application, and runs it with the downloaded models and the car_1.bmp image from the demo directory to show an inference pipeline. The verification script uses vehicle recognition in which vehicle attributes build on each other to narrow in on a specific attribute.

IMPORTANT: This section requires that you have Run the Verification Scripts to Verify Installation. This script builds the Image Classification sample application and downloads and converts the required Caffe* Squeezenet model to an IR.

With this tool you can integrate Addons, Drivers, Gadgets, Language packs, Modified Files, Theme Packs, Tweaks, Silent Installers, Updates. You can also remove features such as Windows Media Player and customize Windows default services state. Win Toolkit also comes with extra tools which helps you convert files, make ISOs, download the latest updates (thanks to SoLoR and McRip), and completely customize your images to tailor your Windows installation disk to your exact needs.

GLUT (pronounced like the glut in gluttony) is the OpenGL Utility Toolkit, a window system independent toolkit for writing OpenGL programs. It implements a simple windowing application programming interface (API) for OpenGL. GLUT makes it considerably easier to learn about and explore OpenGL programming. GLUT provides a portable API so you can write a single OpenGL program that works on both Win32 PCs and X11 workstations.

GLUT is designed for constructing small to medium sized OpenGL programs. While GLUT is well-suited to learning OpenGL and developing simple OpenGL applications, GLUT is not a full-featured toolkit so large applications requiring sophisticated user interfaces are better off using native window system toolkits like Motif. GLUT is simple, easy, and small. My intent is to keep GLUT that way.

The most signficant update to GLUT is the integration of the X Window System and Win32 versions of GLUT in a single source tree. GLUT works for either Win32 or X11 now. Nate Robins deserves the credit for this merging. To help Win32 users better utilize GLUT, PC-style .ZIP files are available for download.

You can still download the previous version, GLUT 3.6:Download the zipped GLUT 3.6 source code distribution: glut36.zipDownload the GLUT 3.6 image datafile distribution: glut36data.zipDownload the GLUT 3.6 headers and pre-compiled libraries:

You can also download pre-compiled GLUT 3.6 libraries for Windows NT Alpha platforms by downloading (82 kilobytes). GLUT for Alpha questions should be directed to Richard Readings (

Unsupported versions of the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio are available for Visual Studio 2008, 2010, 2012, 2013, and 2015. To download an unsupported version, navigate to the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio landing page and choose the version you want from the list of download links.

The MKS Toolkit Resource Kit is shipped with all PTC MKS Toolkit Professional Developers and PTC MKS Toolkit for Enterprise Developers products and is downloadable for all other PTC MKS Toolkit customers from our web site. MKS Toolkit GCC Add-On is also available for download from our web site.

If you're unsure of how to execute commands from the Windows command prompt or the macOS terminal, follow these steps to run the toolkit for the commands provided in the following sections of this document:

From the macOS Finder, drag-and-drop the adobe-licensing-toolkit file (from location to which you mounted the file above) to the macOS terminal.Notice that the command prompt now displays the toolkit file name. (It may also display the full folder path of the file).

  • DocumentationNCBI SRA Download GuideSRA Toolkit documentation

  • SRA File Formats Guide

  • Command line help: Type the command followed by '-h'

  • fasterq-dump guideImportant NotesModule Name: sratoolkit (see the modules page for more information)

  • fastq-dump is being deprecated. Use fasterq-dump instead -- it is much faster and more efficient.

  • fasterq-dump uses temporary space while downloading, so you must make sure you have enough space

  • Do not run more than the default 6 threads on Helix.

  • To run trimgalore/cutadapt/trinity on these files, the quality header needs to be changed, e.g.sed -r 's/(^[\@\+]SRR\S+)/\1\/1/' SRR10724344_1.filter.fastqsed -r 's/(^[\@\+]SRR\S+)/\1\/2/' SRR10724344_2.filter.fastq fasterq-dump requires tmp space during the download. This temporary directory will use approximately the size of the final output file. On Biowulf, the SRAtoolkit module is set upto use local disk as the temporary directory. Therefore, if running SRAtoolkit on Biowulf, you must allocate local disk as in the examples below.SRA Source Repositories SRA Data currently reside in 3 NIH repositories: NCBI - Bethesda and Sterling

Amazon Web Services (= 'Amazon cloud' = AWS) Google Cloud Platform (GCP)Two versions of the data exist: the original (raw) submission, and a normalized (extract, transform, load [ETL]) version. NCBI maintains only ETL data online, while AWS and GCP have both ETL and original submission format. Users who want access to the original bams can only get them from AWS or GCP today.In the case of ETL data, Sratoolkit tools on Biowulf will always pull from NCBI, because it is obviously nearer and there are no fees.Most sratoolkit tools such as fasterq-dump will pull ETL data from NCBI. prefetch is the only SRAtoolkit tool that provides access to the original bams. If requesting "original submission" files in bam or cram or some other format, they can ONLY be obtained from AWS or GCP and will require that the user provide a cloud-billing account to pay for egress charges. See -tools/wiki/03.-Quick-Toolkit-Configuration and -tools/wiki/04.-Cloud-Credentials. The user needs to establish account information, register it with the toolkit, and authorize the toolkit to pass this information to AWS or GCP to pay for egress charges.If you attempt to download non-ETL SRA data from AWS or GCP without the account information, you will see an error message along these lines:Bucket is requester pays bucket but no user project provided.Errors during downloadsIt is not unusual for users to get errors while downloading SRA data with prefetch, fasterq-dump, or hisat2, because many people are constantly downloading data and the servers can get overwhelmed. Please see the NCBI SRA page Connection TimeoutsEstimating space requirementsfasterq-dump takes significantly more space than the old fastq-dump, as it requires temporary space in addition to the final output. As a rule of thumb, the fasterq-dump guide suggests getting the size of the accession using 'vdb-dump', then estimating 7x for the output and 6x for the temp files. For example: helix% vdb-dump --info SRR2048331acc : SRR2048331path : : 657,343,309type : Tableplatf : SRA_PLATFORM_ILLUMINASEQ : 16,600,251SCHEMA : NCBI:SRA:Illumina:tbl:q1:v2#1.1TIME : 0x0000000056644e79 (12/06/2015 10:04)FMT : FastqFMTVER : 2.5.4LDR : fastq-load.2.5.4LDRVER : 2.5.4LDRDATE: Sep 16 2015 (9/16/2015 0:0)Based on the third line, you should have 650 MB * 7 = 4550 MB = 4.5 GB for the tmp files, and 4 GB for the output file(s). It is also recommended that the output file and temporary files be on different filesystems, as in the examples below. Downloading data from SRAYou can download SRA fastq files using the fasterq-dump tool, which will download the fastq file into your current working directory by default. (Note: the old fastq-dump is being deprecated). During the download, a temporary directory will be created in the location specified by the -t flag (in the example below, in /scratch/$USER) that will get deleted after the download is complete.For example, on Helix, the interactive data transfer system, you can download as in the example below. To download on Biowulf, don't run on the Biowulf login node; use a batch job or interactive job instead. sratoolkit versions : Do not download to the top level of /data/$USER or /home/$USER. Instead, you must download the data to a new subdirectory, e.g. /data/$USER/sra which has no other files.

[USER@helix]$ mkdir /data/$USER/sra [USER@helix]$ module load sratoolkit# Note: don't download to /data/$USER, use a subdirectory like /data/$USER/sra instead[USER@helix]$ fasterq-dump -p -t /scratch/$USER -O /data/$USER/sra SRR2048331 join :-------------------------------------------------- 100.00%concat :-------------------------------------------------- 100.00%spots read : 16,600,251reads read : 16,600,251reads written : 16,600,251/scratch is not accessible from the Biowulf compute nodes. On a Biowulf interactive session, you should allocate local disk and use that instead of /scratch as in the example below.Submitting a single batch job 1. Create a script file similar to the one below. #!/bin/bash mkdir -p /data/$USER/sramodule load sratoolkitfasterq-dump -t /lscratch/$SLURM_JOBID -O /data/$USER/sra SRR2048331sam-dump SRR2048331 > SRR2048331.sam........ 2. Submit the script on biowulf: [biowulf]$ sbatch --gres=lscratch:30 --cpus-per-task=6 myscriptNote: this job allocates 30 GB of local disk (--gres=lscratch:30) and then uses the flag -t /lscratch/$SLURM_JOBID to write temporary files to local disk. If you do not allocate local disk and use the -t flag, the temporary files will be written to the current working directory. It is more efficient for your job and for thesystem as a whole if you use local disk. See below: Command TMPDIR Output Directory Timetime fasterq-dump -t /lscratch/$SLURM_JOBID SRR2048331 local disk on Biowulf node /data/$USER/sra 49 secondstime fasterq-dump SRR2048331 /data/$USER/sra /data/$USER/sra 68 secondsUsing SwarmNOTE: The SRA Toolkit executables use random access to read input files. Because of this, users with data located onGPFS filesystems will see significant slowdowns in their jobs. For SRA data (including dbGaP data) it is best to first copy the input files to a local/lscratch/$SLURM_JOBID directory, work on the data in that directory, and copy the results back at the end of the job, as in the example below. Seethe section on using local disk in the Biowulf User Guide.


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