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Easton Myers
Easton Myers

Human Dimension Interior Space Pdf Free Download 19 2021

Despite the ubiquity of interior space design, there is virtually no scientific research on the influence of furnishing on the perception of interior space. We conducted two experiments in which observers were asked to estimate the spatial dimensions (size of the room dimensions in meters and centimeters) and to judge subjective spaciousness of various rooms. Experiment 1 used true-to-scale model rooms with a square surface area. Furnishing affected both the perceived height and the spaciousness judgments. The furnished room was perceived as higher but less spacious. In Experiment 2, rooms with different square surface areas and constant physical height were presented in virtual reality. Furnishing affected neither the perceived spatial dimensions nor the perceived spaciousness. Possible reasons for this discrepancy, such as the influence of the presentation medium, are discussed. Moreover, our results suggest a compression of perceived height and depth with decreasing surface area of the room.

human dimension interior space pdf free download 19

In sharp contrast to the many efforts and opinions in the domain of interior design, there is little empirical research regarding the factors that determine perceived room size. Some studies have investigated the relation between lightness and perceived room size (see [1]) but next to nothing is known about the perceptual effects that objects in the room may exert on perceived room size. The latter can be judged holistically in terms of spaciousness [2], [3], [4], or more precisely in terms of spatial dimensions, such as perceived distance between opposite walls or between ceiling and floor. Here we present a first systematic exploration of the effect of objects within the room on perceived room size.

In two experiments, we have investigated the influence of furnishing on the perception of interior space. For the true-to-scale models (Experiment 1), furnished rooms looked less spacious than unfurnished rooms. However, this effect did not translate into the judgments of spatial dimensions. Depth and width ratings were largely unaffected by furniture. Perceived height, in contrast, was increased with furniture. Also, the effect of furnishing to increase perceived height was observed only in the absence of the scaling cue. Thus, our data provide evidence for a complex effect of furnishing on the perception of interior space.

A second aspect relates to the density and arrangement of furnishing. With a maximum percentage of 11.84% of surface area covered by furniture, we used low furnishing densities. In contrast, the maximum furnishing density realized by Imamoglu [18] was approximately 41%. Besides the density, the arrangement of furnishing (e.g. centered vs. near-wall, spread out in the room vs. crowded together) is also likely to influence the perceived spatial dimensions as well as the impression of spaciousness. The common rules of thumb in architecture and interior design emphasize the importance of both the role of furnishing density and the role of arrangement of furnishing. For example, a near-wall furnishing is said to optically enlarge interior space [12]. More sophisticated rules regarding the arrangement of furnishing might be derived from Gestalt psychology (e.g., [62], [63]). For example, the rule of proximity, according to which two or more objects being close to each other appear as belonging together, might also affect the perceived extension of the wall behind these objects.

Third, providing subjects with a cue of familiar size in Experiment 1 suppressed effects of furnishing on perceived room height. To a lesser degree, this effect can also be expected for other objects with familiar size, such as doors or windows. Such cues are ubiquitous in real life rooms, and experimental approaches with true-to-scale model rooms or three-dimensional simulations in VR have the advantage that the absence/presence of these cues can be controlled. Besides these methodological considerations, this finding also raises the question of the relative potency of different cues for the spatial extent of interior spaces. To provide a concrete example for this issue: What would the perceived spatial extent of an interior space be, say a model living room, with oversize furnishing but normal size puppets or avatars compared to the same interior space with normal size furnishing but oversize avatars?

The current study has shown that the relationship between the perception of interior space and furnishing is much more complex than thought previously. For example, it is by no means obvious that a realtor should present a furnished apartment as opposed to an unfurnished in order to make it look maximally spacious.


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